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Saleen Software Solutions
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  Topics / How to's

   ▪ Introduction

   ▪ Program shortcuts

   ▪ Alerts

   ▪ Hotkeys

   ▪ Screenshots

   ▪ Windows Explorer




This section allows you to create notification alerts or scheduled tasks to be executed.

These alerts can be one-off alerts or recurrent.

Alerts screen

Relative time patterns

The program accepts the activation date/time in 2 ways

a) as a fixed date / time.

    e.g. 1/May/2000 18:00:00

b) as relative time

    e.g. run in 10minutes

The relative time consists of the following patterns

s / second(s)

m / minute(s)

h / hour(s)

d / day(s)

W / week(s)

M / month(s)

Y / year(s)

Relative time examples:



1 minute 10 seconds

2 weeks

Creating alerts

To create an alert click on the "New alert" link-button, or if you have the KeyboardExt tray icon enabled, you can right click

there and select "New alert".

An alert can have these options

a) to display a message on the screen

b) to play an mp3

c) to launch a program

You can also have a reference url that will be displayed when the alert is activated.

The activation date can be entered in two ways

a) Run at: accepts a fixed date / time.

    e.g. 1/May/2000 18:00:00

b) Run in: accepts a relative time

    e.g. run in 10minutes

For all supported relative time patterns see section "Relative time patterns" above,

or click on the yellow help button next to "Run in".

New alert entry form

Alerts activation

For alerts to be activated, the program will need to be running. If the program is closed

when an alert is supposed to be executed, this alert will be executed on the next program start.

When an alert is activated you have the option to reschedule it at a later time by making

a selection from the "remind again in" dropdown list.

The "remind again in" dropdown" list also accepts "relative times" (see section above)

Sample reminder

Monitoring alerts

To get a better overview of your alerts, the activation time is given in two columns

a) run at: shows the exact time that the alert will be activated

b) time left: displays the time left in a friendly format.

Column "Time left" shows the remaining time until the activation of each alert

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