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      Folder Sync
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▪ Performs comparisons between two directories
▪ Reports new, updated, renamed, moved and deleted files
▪ Performs synchronization from the source to the destination path
▪ Can be used for differential or full backups.

Tags: Local File Synchronization, Network File Synchronization, Synchronize Files, Compare & Sync Folders, Compare & Sync Folders, Free Sync Software, Free Sync Software, Folder Sync
Version:  build 226

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15 EUR / 20 USD
Date:  14 Feb 2023
Size  4.63 MB
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Windows 11 Full support for Windows 11™
This program fully supports the Windows 11 operating system.
Windows 10 Full support for Windows 10™
This program fully supports the Windows 10 operating system.
   Command Line Parameters

    FolderSync.exe [Source Path] [Destination Path] [Parameters]

    +Identical : show identical files
    -Identical : hide identical files (DEFAULT)
    +New       : show new files (DEFAULT)
    -New       : hide new files
    +Deleted   : show deleted files (DEFAULT)
    -Deleted   : hide deleted files
    +Updated   : show updated files (DEFAULT)
    -Updated   : hide updated files
    +Moved     : show moved files (DEFAULT)
    -Moved     : hide moved files
    /filter    : Include/Exclude filters
                 Supports multiple keywords and also exclusions.
                 To exclude a term prefix the keyword with a dash (-) .
                 paint: lists all files that contain the word "paint".
                 microsoft -office: lists all files that contain microsoft but not office.
                 artist1 mp3: lists all mp3 files that contain the term artist1.
                 artist1 -mp3: lists all files that contain artist1 but not mp3
    /tolerance=N : modification date tolerance in seconds, where N is the number of seconds
    /start_sync : automatically start synchronization
    /auto_close  : automatically close after synchronization

   Change Log
- build 226: 14 Feb 2023 update: internal updates (ad-related) - build 225: 16 Feb 2021 update: internal improvements - build 222: 25 Jul 2019 bug fix: installer issue - build 221: 24 Jul 2019 bug fix: "source not initialized" issue - build 220: 22 Jul 2019 **breaking** executable renamed to FolderSync.exe -- please update your scripts update: filtering keeps sorting update: requires .NET 4.7.2 - build 219: 12 Apr 2019 update: added "Sync all", "Sync selected" context menu items - build 216: 27 Mar 2019 new: "swap folders" button new: "follow ntfs junction points" task setting new: "scan sub-directories" task setting - build 212: 17 Apr 2018 bug fix: command line start_synch fix bug fix: save settings issue - build 205: 14 Sep 2015 bug fix: sorting issue - build 202: 07 Dec 2014 wpf version - build 111: 05 Sep 2014 --- - build 108: 29 Oct 2013 improvement: background synchronization - build 106: 28 Oct 2013 update: in case of sync errors with some files, sync task continues update: program remembers form size and position - build 100: 24 Oct 2013 64 bit Release (FolderSync .NET 32/64 bit) -

  Features / Download

  Topics / How to's

    ▪ Introduction

    ▪ Main functions

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