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   Fast file locator and disk cataloging utility
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. Search in single directories or directory groups
. Search and replace in multiple files
. Supports simple or regular expressions for filenames and file contents
. Live preview of file contents
. Live preview of images


▪ Search in single directories or directory groups
▪ Search and replace in multiple files
▪ Supports simple or regular expressions for filenames and file contents
▪ Live preview of file contents, without the need to rescan the file system
▪ Live preview of images
▪ Search using multiple file patterns
▪ Save/Load search criteria
▪ Full unicode support (filenames, file contents, search results, search and replace)
▪ Copy/Move/Delete/Rename files and/or directories
▪ Drag-drop support, e.g. drop files in explorer windows
▪ Can be used as a visual replacement for the command-line grep command
Version:  build 395

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15 EUR / 20 USD
Date:  02 Jun 2023
Size  4.39 MB
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looking for the old version 1.0 build 209? get here

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Windows 11 Full support for Windows 11™
This program fully supports the Windows 11 operating system.
Windows 10 Full support for Windows 10™
This program fully supports the Windows 10 operating system.
Fast file locator and disk cataloging utility
Search results screen
Fast file locator and disk cataloging utility
Live preview of file contents based
on keywords or regular expressions
Fast file locator and disk cataloging utility
Live preview of media files
Fast file locator and disk cataloging utility
File operations
   Command Line

    ScanFs.exe [Parameters]

  /file=<fn>             filename mask (supports multiple expressions separated by ;)
                         ( you can also use exclusions e.g. *.txt;-term1 )
  /file_regex=<fn>       regex'ed filename mask
  /path=<path>           path mask (supports multiple expressions separated by ;)
                         ( you can also use exclusions e.g. c:\temp;-term1 )
  /s                     search in subdirectories (DEFAULT)
  /ns                    do not search in subdirectories
  /da=<yyyy-mm-dd>       file date is after <date> (date format: yyyy-mm-dd)
  /db=<yyyy-mm-dd>       file date is before <date> (date format: yyyy-mm-dd)
  /dt=<c|m>              date type, dt=m (modification date) dt=c (creation date)
  /min_size=<size>       minimum file size (K/M/G modifiers supported)
  /max_size=<size>       maximum file size (K/M/G modifiers supported)
                         (size can contain one of the K/M/G modifiers,
                         e.g. /size_min=10M means size must be at least 10MB)
  /contents=<term>       find files containing the specified text
  /contents_regex=<term> regex'ed file contents search term
  /output=<fn>           write results to file <fn>
                         (if you also search file contents a 2nd file with content
                         results will also be created)
  /search                automatically start a search (useful if a .scanfs file
                         was used to load the search parameters)
  /exit                  exit when search is done

  note: the "/" before the parameters is optional

  for regular expressions
    1. instead of /file use /file_regex
    2. instead of /contents use /contents_regex


1.  scanfs.exe path=c:\temp file=*.avi size_min=10m size_max=12m

2.  scanfs.exe /file=*.txt /path=c:\temp /s
     /da=2007-1-1 /db=2008-1-1 /dt=c /size_min=20m /size_max=30m /contents=123
     /output=c:\results.txt /exit

3.  scanfs.exe c:\params.scanfs /search
   Change Log
- build 395: 02 Jun 2023 bug fix: fixed preview text issue - build 394: 13 Mar 2023 bug fix: "Open File Location" issue - build 393: 21 Feb 2023 bug fix: fixed preview text issue - build 392: 14 Feb 2023 update: internal updates (ad-related) - build 391: 08 Feb 2023 update: replaced IE browser with WebView2 update: internal improvements - build 388: 13 Feb 2021 update: internal improvements - build 386: 27 Jan 2021 update: internal improvements - build 384: 01 Aug 2019 update: directory exclusions. e.g. c:\; -temp -> will skip all directories that contain "temp" update: binary search updates bug fix: content-search counter issue bug fix: content-preview exception issue - build 380: 09 Jun 2019 bug fix: issue with sorting, when rearranging or hiding columns - build 379: 04 Jun 2019 improvement: faster content search in files - build 376: 03 Jun 2019 improvement: faster scannning (especially on fast drives e.g. SSD) - build 374: 18 Apr 2019 improvements in "search whole words" improvements in directory edit box - build 373: 05 Apr 2019 bug fix: command line parameter "/s" was not working bug fix: removed extra space when separating folders bug fix: paths surrounded by double quotes were not recognized bug fix: column widths were not loaded - build 371: 04 Apr 2019 new: [breaking] folders should be separated using "|" not ";" improvement: folders box autocompletion works for any folder in the list bug fix: user columns were not loaded in command line mode - build 368: 31 Mar 2019 new: custom columns bug fix: fixed exception during file preview - build 364: 16 Nov 2018 bug fix: unc paths were not recognized - build 363: 20 Jun 2018 improvement: checks for valid regular expressions before search bug fix: removed delete confirmation (using OS confirmation) - build 362: 13 Jun 2018 bug fix: "manual installation" broke in last build bug fix: delete files confirmation broke in last build - build 361: 09 Jun 2018 bug fix: file/'open as administrator' was not working bug fix: command line mode was not loading last window position and size bug fix: copy/move/rename files window: cancel button was not working bug fix: search in snapshots was broken since last release update: alt-enter in listview to show shell properties of selected files update: replace in files: added confirmation dialog update: tools/'generate snapshot' window now shows snapshot age - build 360: 28 May 2018 update: File Menu > Export to .html/.tsv/.csv update: can open associated .scanfs files from windows explorer bug fix: paths optimization could remove some necessary paths - build 359: 27 May 2018 update: output command line parameter can export to .html/.tsv/.csv - build 358: 25 May 2018 bug fix: command line parameters - build 356: 03 May 2018 update: ad placement issue - build 341: 06 May 2016 update: command line parameters - build 202: 20 Feb 2013 addition: "Send to" any folder improvement: 'shell open' multiple files. 'edit' multiple files update: removed WinXP ScanFSshellExt.dll update: delete files -> disabled shell confirmation (using scanfs confirmation) update: installer updates - build 192: 28 Dec 2012 improvement: supports paths with ";" (separated by |) improvement: shell properties for multiple files improvement: shell context menu for multiple files (same folder) addition: copy/cut files to clipboard - build 187: 27 Aug 2012 improvement: background preview of images improvement: retains selections after filtering (works even if you narrow down, and then widen results) improvement: can rename files in folders that require elevation - build 185: 26 Aug 2012 update: removed nag screen improvement: can create folders in folders that require elevation improvement: copy multiple files > single confirmation to create new folders - build 183: 12 Aug 2012 update: can read new FilePro snapshots that include folder date-created, date-modified, attributes - build 180: 07 Aug 2012 bug fix: also clears 'scanfs_txts' cache folder on exit - build 179: 06 Aug 2012 improvement: faster loading of snapshots improvement: faster building of treenodes addition: option to remember results filter (advanced options) - build 174: 16 Jan 2012 improvement: searching in FilePro snapshots also lists folders - build 173: 03 Dec 2011 improvement: [copy multiple files] option to allow retaining paths if files are located in different paths e.g. copying c:\folder1\file.txt and c:\folder2\file.txt to f:\backups\ will put files in f:\backups\folder1\file.txt and f:\backups\folder2\file.txt - build 170: 13 Jun 2011 bug fix: [evaluation mode] exception on exit - build 169: 26 Mar 2011 bug fix: shift+right_click issue - build 168: 16 Mar 2011 bug fix: 'safe extensions' were ignored - build 167: 12 Mar 2011 addition: allows custom column widths addition: allows hiding date-created and attributes columns bug fix: issue with dialog boxes and application focus - build 165: 04 Mar 2011 bug fix: strange behavior when pressing Ctrl+Shift+F10 on main ListView - build 163: 04 Mar 2011 bug fix: FileName column was also showing path in previous build - build 162: 03 Mar 2011 improvement: slightly faster startup improvement: faster browsing of files, especially for network drives improvement: some icons were not displayed, e.g. for .lnk and .exe files - build 157: 18 Feb 2011 bug fix: Regexp stack overflow - build 156: 17 Feb 2011 bug fix: treeview folder filter - build 155: 16 Feb 2011 improvement: smarter deletion of multiple files/folders - build 154: 23 Jan 2011 improvement: shell operation: delete multiple files/folders - build 150: 06 Aug 2010 bug fix: problem when loading command line parameters - build 149: 06 Aug 2010 bug fix: can search directories that start with a dot bug fix: rare access violation when previewing files - build 144: 30 Jun 2010 bug fix: portable version was creating an empty folder under %AppData% - build 143: 07 Apr 2010 bug fix: infinite loop in search and replace using whole words bug fix: SaveDatabase could not save unicode treeview contents bug fix: fixed memory leak in search and replace change: Online Activation - build 139: 30 Dec 2009 bug fix: when "startup preview=off", it could not display previews during a session improvement: removed loading "all drives" and "local drives" during program startup addition: added /search parameter to start a search after loading a .scanfs file - build 137: 23 Sep 2009 option for default value of "enable preview" bug fix: could not load database volumes. error: "upgrading catalog from previous format (1a)" - build 131: 20 Dec 2008 bug fix: Using ctrl+rightclick to display the shell context menu was also displaying the program popup behind it. - build 129: 20 Dec 2008 Various options to control behavior when launching from Windows Explorer Option to disable program error messages - build 128: 19 Dec 2008 Shell context menu Search in xls and doc files disabled by default. Can be enabled from options. When launched using F3 it matches the size of the active explorer window, displays the folder contents, and sets the focus on the filter box Preview of files is limited to 10000 lines Bug fix: could not search in network paths with "$" e.g. \\acerf1\c$\ Bug fix: Regexp stack overflow - build 117: 09 Jun 2008 improvement: installer improvements a) allows installation outside of program files b) allows manual drag and drop installation - build 115: 03 Jun 2008 addition: can search for text in .mp3, .wma tags improvement: program now displays preview of files, even if there is no search text - build 114: 03 Jun 2008 addition: can search for text in .pdf, .doc, .xls files - build 110: 25 Mar 2008 supported command line options are: /file=<fn> filename mask (supports multiple expressions separated by ;) ( you can also use exclusions e.g. *.txt;-term1 ) /path=<path> path mask (supports multiple expressions separated by ;) ( you can also use exclusions e.g. c:\temp;-term1 ) /s search in subdirectories (DEFAULT) /ns do not search in subdirectories /da=yyyy-mm-dd file date is after <date> (date format: yyyy-mm-dd) /db=yyyy-mm-dd file date is before <date> (date format: yyyy-mm-dd) /dt=<c|m> date type, dt=m (modification date) dt=c (creation date) /size_min= minimum file size (K/M/G modifiers supported) /size_max= maximum file size (K/M/G modifiers supported) (size can contain one of the K/M/G modifiers, e.g. /size_min=10M means size must be at least 10MB) /contents= find files containing the specified text /output=<fn> write results to file <fn> (if you also search file contents a 2nd file with content results will also be created) /search automatically start a search (useful if a .scanfs file was used to load the search parameters) /exit exit when search is done note: the "/" before the parameters is optional for regular expressions 1. instead of /file use /file_regex 2. instead of /contents use /contents_regex examples: scanfs.exe path=c:\temp file=*.avi size_min=10m size_max=12m scanfs.exe /file=*.txt /path=c:\temp /s /da=2007-1-1 /db=2008-1-1 /dt=c /size_min=20m /size_max=30m /contents=123 /output=c:\results.txt /exit scanfs.exe c:\params.scanfs /search - build 108: 17 Jan 2008 general improvements - build 106: 26 Dec 2007 bug fix: regular expressions improvement: better highlighting of results when using regular expressions improvement: drag and drop supports unicode filenames - build 097: 28 Aug 2007 improvement: various optimizations new: checkbox that allows preview to be disabled (pictures and file contents) new: filter supports multiple keywords separated by spaces, and quotes e.g. "test 1" mp3 bug fix: sorting is retained after refiltering - build 091: 27 June 2007 improvement: faster preparation of file contents and highlightings bug fix: "spawn new session" was not working properly - build 090: 12 June 2007 bug fix: unicode characters in search results were not shown correctly in some cases bug fix: unicode characters in the "search for" box were not handled correctly - build 088: 16 May 2007 advanced "select database" dialog improved "spot duplicate files" improved "replace bar" session search parameters (Push: Alt-Down, Back: Alt-Left, Forward: Alt+Right) persistent search parameters (Push: Alt-Down, Select: Alt-Up) - build 081: 01 May 2007: Windows Vista support databases (catalogs) with unlimited volumes supports compressed databases faster refine search folders treeview supports FilePro snapshots snapshots aliases (e.g. c:\$ -> will search last snapshot for drive c) ability to create aliases for file contents (e.g. instead of an ip to show a name or alias) - build 071: 04 March 2007 can search contents of binary files of any size, for ansi/unicode strings

  Features / Download
  Topics / How to's

   ▪ Disk search basics

   ▪ Disk cataloging mode

   ▪ Search and replace

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